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9 game-changing Black advisors share how they grew their firms

We're celebrating some of the incredible Black advisors in our extended Altruist community who are driving meaningful change in the financial industry.

They’ve generously shared their insights and wisdom for advisors who are trying to grow their business.



Anna N'Jie-Konte

“There is a light switch that goes on the moment you speak authentically, with passion, vulnerability, and dedication to your people. You will see dramatic changes in both your business growth, but also your business satisfaction as soon as you lean into a commitment to authenticity.”

Check out Anna’s Episode of Grow: The RIA growth long game: Be authentic
More from Anna: Dare to Dream Planning | @anjiekonte



Brian Thompson

"It's been so beneficial for me to refine my niche. I started out serving LGBTQ couples, which I thought was niche but was just a target market. Then I began to focus on LGBTQ entrepreneurs who run mission driven businesses. Focusing on a specialized segment of people has made serving and speaking to them easier, as well as made me more referable." 

More from Brian: Brian Thompson Financial | @BrianFinancial

_Angela-EDITAngela Moore

"I'm blessed to have learned early on, and I'm still learning that, in order to create the type of firm I want, I have to have a strong and diverse team. When I first started, I had fears around hiring or bringing in partners.  Now, the growth of our business is centered around hiring and partnering. With a team, we can accomplish so much more at a faster pace; it's better quality and innovative."

More from Angela:
Modern Money Advisors | @modernmoneyadvisor



Malcolm Ethridge

"Have an opinion. Advisors are often so afraid of being wrong and/or sounding like they don’t have all the answers when talking to clients and prospective clients that they end up not saying much of anything at all. They make statements meant to cover all possible outcomes without offering any true guidance. However, I believe that the reason people come to us in the first place is that they want to hear what you think and receive some guidance."

More from Malcolm: CIC Wealth | @malcolmonmoney

Your guide to building a $100m RIA
These growth strategies will help you scale your practice rapidly.


_Chelsea-EDITChelsea Ransom-Cooper

"Listen to your ideal, top-tier clients by creating a client advisory board to continue to grow and scale your business."

More from Chelsea: Zenith Wealth Partners | @Chelsea_CFP


_George-EDITGeorge Acheampong

"Don’t try to serve everyone and do everything. Deepen your expertise for who you serve .”..will not only attract more ideal clients, it will also help streamline your operations because you can easily anticipate the needs of your clients if you are serving the same type of person over and over. 

More from George: Capital Wize | @georgeacheampongjr



Chloe Moore

"Develop solid, repeatable processes and leverage technology as much as possible. Hiring more people doesn't help when your staff continues with your inefficiencies." 

More from Chloe: Financial Staples | @finstaples



Derenda King

"One lesson that I learned is the importance of having streamlined, repeatable processes along with effective delegation. This is critical to growing your business. For some, that may mean hiring and training support staff, using technology to automate your processes, or both. Whether it’s onboarding clients, social media posts, email marketing, or lead generation, having a standardized process in place can be the difference between burning out or ascending to new heights. Moreover, doing so enables you to engage in more productive activities designed to grow your business and ultimately reduce the burden of being spread too thin."

More from Derenda: Urban Wealth Management



Samuel Deane

"As an advisor who built an advisory firm from the ground up, the key to scaling my business was building genuine relationships and fostering a community. Although serving a specific niche has benefitted me immensely, the value of having like-minded advisors to exchange ideas with has been invaluable."

More from Samuel: Deane Financial Partners  | @samuelsdeane

Thank you to all the advisors who contributed their voices. We are inspired by what you and the community of Black professionals are doing in the industry. We know the financial services space has a lot of work to do to create equity and Altruist is proud to work with and for advisors who are expanding access to financial advice and economic power.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post by the participants are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Altruist Corp or its subsidiaries. No compensation was provided.

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