There’s a misconception in the financial services industry that advisors must have all of the bells and whistles to successfully scale a business. But from my experience, and after learning from our recent guests on Grow, this could not be further from the truth.
In this episode, Tyrone Ross, Jr., CEO at Onramp Invest, amplifies the same notion by sharing how proximity is the strongest solution to changing lives, providing value, and creating a life worth living. To be “proximate,” one first must be committed to serve.
For a financial advisory practice looking to scale with this mindset, growth happens when you commit to being a servant-leader first.
For an advisor thinking with a traditional mindset, this may be a tough pill to swallow. In a world of “what can I do for me?” it can be extremely difficult to think about others before yourself. If you’ve come from some wire houses or brokerage firms, you know all too well the feeling of doing what you must to live another day. But when you commit to serving better each day, a few things tend to happen:
1. Your clients are more fulfilled
The age of accepting an advisor who works in line with the tactics and empathy of a used car salesman is over. Our jobs require the highest levels of integrity, competency, emotional intelligence, and client service. When these things happen your clients feel it, and not only commit to your recommendations, but a life-long partnership with your firm.
2. Your Clients and Colleagues begin to market on your behalf
One of the most common questions for a growth-oriented advisor is “how can I efficiently market myself?” By leading with service, your clients and colleagues assume the role of your firm’s internal marketing team. As a result, they’ll tell their family members, colleagues, and other people who may be missing out on such a unique advising experience. Watch as the referrals start to roll in.
3. You’ll Recognize Development Opportunities
Leading with service makes you more in tune with the needs of your clients and your firm. You’ll begin to recognize what your clients are missing from their experience in working with you. You’ll find technology to streamline your processes in order to buy your time back and spend it where it matters most. One of the best results of this alignment is identifying what’s not working. With this intel, you can focus on the minority of things that bring you growth, fulfillment and purpose.
4. You’ll Build Community
Though advising can sometimes feel like a competitive sport, it doesn’t have to be. There are advisors that are changing the stigma of what a financial advisor is, and what they’re tasked to do. By being your authentic self, amplifying your voice, and leading with service, you’ll begin to find the community that is living alongside you no matter where they may be.
Your Work Will Be Deeply Satisfying: Servant leadership transitions you from merely working a job to having a calling. It encourages taking pride in the small tasks, and builds anticipation for the big wins. Seeing your clients and your firm win will ignite a ripple effect of gratitude in you – and everything around you. While growth can be measured in many ways, it first starts with you. By shifting your mindset to focus on the people that make business worth doing, success will leave its fingerprints throughout your firm. Leading with service is the way.
5. Your Work Will Be Deeply Satisfying
Servant leadership transitions you from merely working a job to having a calling. It encourages taking pride in the small tasks, and builds anticipation for the big wins. Seeing your clients and your firm win will ignite a ripple effect of gratitude in you – and everything around you.
About Grow
Grow by Altruist is a show dedicated to bringing business growth advice to advisors, by advisors. I'm your host Dasarte Yarnway and each week I sit down with industry professionals as they share their best ideas around attracting new prospects, building a successful firm, and keeping clients happy. Watch more episodes here.